Monday, May 19, 2014

Dhanybhad Nepal

Thank you, or dhanybhad, Nepal seems to be the best place to start. There are just so many words and sounds and smells and so very many photos and and and, just too much to even know how to begin. So thank you is a good place to start. Thank you nepal and Ben, amazing co adventurer. And a few photos....

Glaciers!! Avalanches!

Not a bad way to celebrate a birthday--Larkye pass 15500 feet. Our guide, kuman gave Ben this Tibetan scarf as a good luck gift for the special occasion. 

Now for Thailand to laos by boat! 

Friday, May 16, 2014

hello from Chiang Mai and check out this month's Urbanist

I'm fresh off of over two weeks of trekking in Nepal! It was nice to come back to find this article I helped put together this spring.

I'm so thankful for the opportunity to work with the Marin Carbon Project and share it with SF through this article in the Urbanist. Follow the link to learn more about Compost, Cows and Carbon Markets.

Thanks to both Eli and John Wick for always being so encouraging and proactive--with these guys around, one begins to believe that together, we will make change happen.