Saturday, December 1, 2007

End of an era. Goodbye Ste. 304

Goodbye Oaktown, goodbye tree, goodbye office with a door. Goodbye windows that open. Ready for change...

Here's where I clocked my 7 hours/day:

From an old post:
Realized today that I have less than two months left in plush office land in Rockridge before ED(f) upgrades to the 28th floor of 123 Mission Street, SF. This means cubicle land is not far off...I started thinking about everything I'll miss:
I will miss spending lunches at the bookstore across the street, sax man @ 4:30, sweet samples from the bakery, killer salsa bar @ Cactus, local produce downstairs, chocolate covered almonds, thai patio lunches, dirty chicken, take out fresh ravioli with arrabbiata sauce, the Rockridge library that never has what I'm looking for, the used clothing store fueled by Rockridgites & CCA students, walks in the hood. But most of all I'll miss my tree, my two windows, and the ability to close my door. I've been spoiled & I don't want it to end. That said, I won't miss the commute and its price tag=$160/month.