Saturday, September 27, 2008

Graze the Roof!

Glide Memorial
(a progressive church/community services center) is now host to another amazing program--a rooftop garden for youth! Put together in 4 months with the help of many great volunteers this space has been transformed to a space of beauty that is now producing healthy , local food for people who need it the most and providing youth a place in the tenderloin.
A self-watering container. A feat of technology.

A garden made from the excesses of our transnational food system. All items can be found in the trash behind suburban big box grocery stores...Planters are all made of reclaimed wooden pallets, painstakingly plied apart, sanded, stained and reformed. Inside are lined milk crates to keep soil out but allow for good drainage.

Dresser drawers converted to salad producers! missed photo op---the awsome murals all around the space.

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