Sunday, August 17, 2008

Change is easier than it's ever been before.

A new hero of mine is Raj Patel, author of Stuffed and Starved. A recent article of his opens with a description of the skyrocketing market in mud cakes as food in Haiti. Yes, that's a cake made of clay, salt, oil and water.

Why? Because people are too poor to buy food, in some cases the very same food they grow and sell to others. Because the food crisis is real, it is now, and it is devastating. And until everyone knows something about it, until everyone starts thinking about the implications of the food they buy and the food they eat, it's going to get worse. But we can change. Start that change by reading his article here.

"It's not a lack of food that is causing this crisis - it's a lack of political will."

Grow food. Compost. Skip the meat. Share a home cooked meal. Learn how to cook a vegetable you've never eaten before. Shop at the locally owned market in your neighborhood. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Change is easier that it's ever been before.

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