Saturday, September 22, 2007

Hope amidst the trash: Art at the Dump

The educational center at the SF Transfer Station is not what you would expect, it's so much better. It is an art gallery--featuring works of art crafted from the mountains of trash carted to the transfer station.

In 1990, before recycling made it big, Jo Hanson developed the Artist in Residency program. Today, 3 artists a year, get the honor of digging through our rubbish to create art in a studio located on site at the transfer station.

The current artist in residence is Nemo Gould--I've seen his work around town, it's always really interesting, interactive sculpture. Here are a few photos of his work created entirely from remnants collected at the dump.

Octopus from a rocking chair, and a bath mat...Better photos here.

Not only is there an art gallery and studio at the dump, there's a 3 acre sculpture garden. Such a drastic juxtaposition to the ugliness of the dump. Its the only art park at a city dump--unfortunately it isn't accessible to the public, but you can check it here. And see my two favorites in my (bad) photos below...

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